Portland Oregon Bike Culture

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Argyle Socks

I wonder if he got them at Sock Dreams?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Puffy Skirt

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tea & Flowers

This week, several organizations were working on traffic calming for the bike/ped traffic on the Hawthorne Bridge, which they did in an amusing way. Several stations had signs promoting using all 5 senses when in traffic, and each sense had people demonstrating using the sense - FEEL had a couple ladies doing yoga, LOOK had people with binoculars.

SMELL went with smell the flowers, and they had bouquets tied to the posts along the bridge.

Most people got a smile about the displays, much as they do about an amusing piece of public art. But apparently this is serious, as some perceive a problem with road rage amongst the users of the bike/ped way. The comments in the BikePortland.org post show some real anger. I ride this path nearly daily, and have to say I've not actually seen any altercations, so I wonder if it's a matter of a few people getting annoyed about having to hit their brakes in a high use area, and being vocal about it. Since next month the Morrison Bridge will be re-opening with a 15ft wide, separated from vehicle traffic bike lane, I suspect the percieved problem will evaporate when some large percentage of the bridge users head toward the new bridge.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Steady Progression

I came across this graph of bike bridge useage from the Official Bike Count that the city does annually. Amazing how much has changed in 15 years, eh?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Commuting as you are

I don't have an issue with people riding to work in full lycra kits. I most often change from work-wear to bike-wear for the commute for comfort. The faux-fabric kit is certainly more comfortable for a long speedy exersize based ride. But if you're just heading to or from work, meh. Not everyone finds it necessary.

Dressed for work in full scrubs.

Dressed for safety in a reflective vest.

Undressed for the ride. Or something.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pink Cruiser

Waiting at the lights on the pink cruiser.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Fashion accessories: a basket to put stuff in

A stylish leather trunk

Or the whole handbag and heels

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Twisted Sister

My years as National Mountain Bike Patrol have left me unable to pass by when a fellow biker is hurtin'. On the Hawthorn bridge, I came across a young lady with her bike against the rail, hand-turning her front wheel. There weren't many commuters anymore - the flood leaving downtown would have been a half hour before - so there weren't any experienced cyclists around to help her before I rolled up.

I'm not quite sure how she'd done it, but she'd crashed a while back and managed to swivel her front wheel 360 degrees - it was pointed in the right direction, but the cables were looped around and pulling so tight her canti brakes were in perma-lock mode. She was fine - a slight abrasion on the leg - but the wheel would not spin.

I unhooked the brakes and tried to spin the tire back around and it wouldn't go. Erp. I took off her wheel, spun her back through, and hooked everything up again. I told her I wanted her to go straight to a bike shop from here and we discussed which ones were on her route.

She seemed quite grateful, but you know, we bikers have to help each other.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Classy bike, classy bike commuter.

Classic bike. Hard core commuter. Note that these two gentlemen work together.

Monday, September 7, 2009

What Sunday Parkways wants to be when it grows up

I saw this short at a Wild & Scenic film festival. I've not been able to get to a Sunday Parkway in 2009, but it looks like we'll have more of them next summer!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Looking like a cop

Sorry, no photo, but on my morning ride to work, I stopped in the bike lane at a red light, and a gentleman Shakespeare would have termed a "rustic" began crossing Sandy Blvd in the crosswalk ahead of me. He stopped in front of my bike.
"Are you a cop?" he demanded of me. There was no one else there, he had to be talking to me.
"Are you a cop?"
"Um. No, not today?" I was a little bewildered by the question.
"You look like a cop," he said, standing there with his fists on his hips in the middle of the street.
"Ahh .. no . ." I'm fit, but not brawny. I'm on a bike with a change of clothing in my bag. No mirrored sunglasses. Black shorts and black jacket, yes, but the jacket says IMBA in large white letters. "I look like a bike commuter."
"You got all the cop gear."
A yellow pannier, a green backpack, a gray helmet, gloves. I'm not seeing this. Luckily, the light turned green, and I steered my bike around the man and continued my commute.
In case you need to know, Portland Bike cops look more like this. Bike commuters look like . . . well, almost anything else. Full business suit, full racing kit, rain jacket, no shirt, bike shoes, flipflops, skirt, kilt, speedos, tie, scrubs, you name it. But not very much like a bike cop.